Tuesday 28 January 2014

Red lights

Brothel party. Been there, done that.
Sometimes you just see way too many half naked friends from school. If it's too much; drink more!

- Crebat

Saturday 18 January 2014

Cheer. Up!

Well well...
It's Saturday.

You know the feeling when you're in the queue for a club and you realize you're not the only one. There might be someone you already know. It might get akward.

But the night out can still turn out to be good! You might end up teaching krump to random guys and cheer up to their random Korean friend.

You propably already knew that guys are weird. But we just don't get them. They might not say hi, even though you are 'good friends', they might text you in the middle of the night and ask if it's ok to come over, even though you haven't seen them for two months. Where's the logic?? Just asking.

Today we are going to a brothel party. Dress code is less is more.
We'll see what happens. 

Loooooove you. 
Xoxo Crebat

Saturday 11 January 2014

Dear pub.....

Sometimes life doesn't work the way you wanted. You can't find good clothes for birthday party, can't do proper make-up, cider tastes funny, it's cold and there's no one to warm you up.
This is not the weekend I had in my mind.
But but but! It's not yet a lost case. It can change. 

Dear pub, can you please save me...?

- Crebat

Thursday 9 January 2014

Wednesday fun.

You know the feeling when you have a date and the guy brings you some flowers?

I know.

- Crebat

Saturday 4 January 2014

Oh dear flatmates....

You know the feeling when you go on a sofisticated date and mean while your friends get totaly wasted and eventually you have to carry them home? 
And still they are the best thing ever happened to you. <3

I <3 boys!!!

Oh you dear fellows how much I love you!!!!!

- Crebat

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Last night in Finland. 30.12.13

Know the feeling when you realise you've been hanging out in London for four months  in all the wrong places with all the wrong people? We know. But that is going to change. That is SO going to change.

Blues party. Brothers, cousins, wine... Someone else's brothers, cousins, wine...

After sleeping for only a few hours it is not difficult to think you've fallen in love with that Spider Man from last night. Sweet.
