Monday 17 March 2014

What a lovely weekend!

It was like best ever.
Sleepover. Cake! Sun. Cinnamon bun rolls. Friends. Sun. Rum. CUTE GUYS. Wine. Sun. Fun. Friends. 

Ah. I'm so happy!



Seriously, how cool this is!?!??

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Make - the travelling stranger

Hi! My name is Make and I am a travelling stranger. Usually I'm afraid of new things, that's why my face looks like this all the time.

I used to live at the streets before Crebat found me.

I love dancing!

And spending time in a dance studio!

Ponies are cool. I'm so happy that I get to drink my coffee from this! Decaf of course. Caffeine is too much for me.

I went to a pub on a Friday evening. It was mental!!!! This absolutely gorgeous girl kissed me..... I fell in love! <3

..... And stayed up til 5.16 am.... Thinking of her!!

I prefer brunettes.

Awesome day! I went to Tate Modern with DLR. It was exciting. Like a roller coaster.

What a beautiful peace of art! I LOVE WOMEN LIKE YOU.

I took a tube to a hotel.. In Helsinki!

It was awesome!!! What a breakast! What a bed! What a shower! Everything! I want to move into a hotel!

Then I came back home... :(

But I got to drink some beer and watch football!!!!!

The best thing ever; Sunday with caramel sauce from McDonalds. Loving it.

I have an absolutely amazing life! 

Busy girls...

We've been busy. 

But next weekend we're going to have fun! 


Tuesday 11 March 2014


I love kissing!
I want to kiss you!
And you!
........And you!
