Wednesday 12 March 2014

Make - the travelling stranger

Hi! My name is Make and I am a travelling stranger. Usually I'm afraid of new things, that's why my face looks like this all the time.

I used to live at the streets before Crebat found me.

I love dancing!

And spending time in a dance studio!

Ponies are cool. I'm so happy that I get to drink my coffee from this! Decaf of course. Caffeine is too much for me.

I went to a pub on a Friday evening. It was mental!!!! This absolutely gorgeous girl kissed me..... I fell in love! <3

..... And stayed up til 5.16 am.... Thinking of her!!

I prefer brunettes.

Awesome day! I went to Tate Modern with DLR. It was exciting. Like a roller coaster.

What a beautiful peace of art! I LOVE WOMEN LIKE YOU.

I took a tube to a hotel.. In Helsinki!

It was awesome!!! What a breakast! What a bed! What a shower! Everything! I want to move into a hotel!

Then I came back home... :(

But I got to drink some beer and watch football!!!!!

The best thing ever; Sunday with caramel sauce from McDonalds. Loving it.

I have an absolutely amazing life! 

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