Monday 17 March 2014

What a lovely weekend!

It was like best ever.
Sleepover. Cake! Sun. Cinnamon bun rolls. Friends. Sun. Rum. CUTE GUYS. Wine. Sun. Fun. Friends. 

Ah. I'm so happy!



Seriously, how cool this is!?!??

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Make - the travelling stranger

Hi! My name is Make and I am a travelling stranger. Usually I'm afraid of new things, that's why my face looks like this all the time.

I used to live at the streets before Crebat found me.

I love dancing!

And spending time in a dance studio!

Ponies are cool. I'm so happy that I get to drink my coffee from this! Decaf of course. Caffeine is too much for me.

I went to a pub on a Friday evening. It was mental!!!! This absolutely gorgeous girl kissed me..... I fell in love! <3

..... And stayed up til 5.16 am.... Thinking of her!!

I prefer brunettes.

Awesome day! I went to Tate Modern with DLR. It was exciting. Like a roller coaster.

What a beautiful peace of art! I LOVE WOMEN LIKE YOU.

I took a tube to a hotel.. In Helsinki!

It was awesome!!! What a breakast! What a bed! What a shower! Everything! I want to move into a hotel!

Then I came back home... :(

But I got to drink some beer and watch football!!!!!

The best thing ever; Sunday with caramel sauce from McDonalds. Loving it.

I have an absolutely amazing life! 

Busy girls...

We've been busy. 

But next weekend we're going to have fun! 


Tuesday 11 March 2014


I love kissing!
I want to kiss you!
And you!
........And you!


Wednesday 26 February 2014


At home:
We were bored.
We bought wine.
We wanted to drink chilled wine.
We forgot the wine in the freezer.
We had some frozen wine.

At pub:
We were horrified because of scary women.
We told everything about Finland.
We were bored.
We left.

On the bus:
We had to sit in front of scary Polish men.
We met friends.
We were scared of the weird Polish men.

At home:
We ate.
We went to sleep.
We got late night calls.
We didn't sleep alone.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tuesday 18 February 2014

I'm cool. Finally.

You know the feeling when you meet someone from last weekend, he says hi and all you can do is go "Are you talking to me?! Hah!

- Crebat

Saturday 15 February 2014

What a week!

A perfect week includes lovely dinners, friends, awesome surprises, night at hotel, friends, good wine, not a single cup of instant coffee and a bit of love.


Saturday 8 February 2014

Reunion with Admiral Hardy

It's been a while since we last time got drunk at Admiral Hardy. 
Well, as usual, a few things might've happened.
Random guy started to speak Finnish, two guys poured beer all over your skirt, you met a musician who had a dance studio in his flat, you taught krump, got lost with cab, got late night texts, got sick, dreamt about chips, went home alone.


Friday 7 February 2014

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Weekend? Almost.

It's almost weekend! Here are few things to do;

My plan is to be random!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Stupid guys.

You know how annoying it is when the guy you want to see and wake up with cannot read your mind and call to you.
I know and I hate it.

Stupid guys. 

- Crebat

Sunday 2 February 2014

Weekends are way too short!

You might have a date, or two... Or three... Even four if you're lucky.

Lots of love!!

- Crebat


"My beautiful Swedish angel!
Look into my eyes, give me your phone number, we meet up and we fall in love."

How simple could it be??? Only thing that went wrong was the nationality. That was the breaking point this time... :(

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Red lights

Brothel party. Been there, done that.
Sometimes you just see way too many half naked friends from school. If it's too much; drink more!

- Crebat

Saturday 18 January 2014

Cheer. Up!

Well well...
It's Saturday.

You know the feeling when you're in the queue for a club and you realize you're not the only one. There might be someone you already know. It might get akward.

But the night out can still turn out to be good! You might end up teaching krump to random guys and cheer up to their random Korean friend.

You propably already knew that guys are weird. But we just don't get them. They might not say hi, even though you are 'good friends', they might text you in the middle of the night and ask if it's ok to come over, even though you haven't seen them for two months. Where's the logic?? Just asking.

Today we are going to a brothel party. Dress code is less is more.
We'll see what happens. 

Loooooove you. 
Xoxo Crebat